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I have the highest respect for the authors, and I know y’all mean well, but we as Labor can be perfectly democratic within our organizations but we will ultimately still fail if we fail to unrig our corrupted system with HJR54 (Jayapal)

Citizens United and related SCOTUS rulings have given corporations our inalienable rights and powers, and in the most Orwellian fashion, turned their unlimited money into their constitutionally protected free speech!

Labor must unite around Rep Jayapal’s amendment or forever be locked into a rigged system whereby we can never win long term.

Learn more at movetoamend.org/labor-caucus, and get your union to join in solidarity with all of the others by signing on here: movetoamend.org/organizations

Si se puede create authentic democracy, end corporate rule and corruption/dysfunction, and grow the Labor Movement, and all at the same time!

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